Monday, May 9, 2011

Blisters In Pelvic Area

." our evil deeds will suffer the consequences equivalent to those standards. "


"INCIDENTAL COMPANIES It is difficult to be prosecuted." MEGF. MONDAY, MAY 09, 2011. SHORT NOTE

. "Our evil deeds will suffer the consequences equivalent to those standards." BY ENRIQUE GONZALEZ

For a very large sector of believers there is a clear and great contradiction between what implies the power of God's heavenly Father Creator and the mercy that He establishes and subsumes. To this must be sprout forward to assert categorically, forceful and precise, and say to the contrary, there is no contradiction whatsoever, much less the concept of a punishing God, watch for any error that comment to reprove, to make us suffer and cast into the lake of burning sulfur. This is precisely the doctrine of most of the separated brethren, who seek to establish the faith, belief and love and / or by the interposition of God or formulation of fear, fear, panic in that "power Punisher of our good God. In the Book of Ecclesiastes, we find fragments that transcribe and then refer to the penalties they suffer the men responsible for actions contrary to God's word and teachings as well as the laws of the land. This should not in any way reduce or undermine our faith in love, forgiveness and mercy of God. Remember that Jesus Christ brought us a new commandment, which he calls the commandment of love and just as he said very clear that He came not to replace the Mosaic law, the law was given by Yahweh to Moses himself, adding that "whoever lives in the law, the law die." This naturally be interpreted as what it really is: the enhanced version, extended and loving, the covenant of the New Covenant, ie the emergence of the New Testament as opposed to the Old Testament. Hence, by the sacrifice made by Jesus the Son of God, all are healed, saved and heirs of the promise of eternal life, access to the heavenly mansions and mercy, charity, mercy and forgiveness of all our wrongs. However Can our actions go unpunished? Are we entitled to do evil and yet not be punished for it? "God is merciful, but also fair, you can not impose penalties equivalent to our actions? It is a clarity that our bad deeds should be reproved and that they can not be covered with impunity. What happens is that while the pardon one of the key elements of preaching and teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is obvious that our sins will be forgiven up to 70 times seven, but yet we must purge and to some extent, suffer penalties and consequences of our evil deeds, of our sins and faults. Hence the existence of purgatory, a place where we wash the clothes of sin, our failures, actions, omissions and any conduct in conflict with the Word of God, their teachings; of these behaviors contrary to morals, good customs, etc. earthly laws. So what is no doubt of the need, for our good, the liabilities and penalties imposed by God, in response to our improper, inappropriate and in violation behavior and attitudes that demonstrate probity, ethical and decent God's creatures. It is therefore wrong to think that as Christians, that being baptized and believing in God, and are free and clear of any responsibility for their evil dealings. The truth is that potentially earn forgiveness, eternal life and entrance into the kingdom of heaven. But under the free will God gave us, and these privileges would be a function of our attitudes, our actions, our behavior and conduct to the mandates, precepts, teachings and content of the lessons learned from the Holy Bible are only those which the prophets expressed and disseminated and the preaching of our good Jesus and his disciples or apostles, just as the teachers exercised by our Holy Mother Church Catholic, Apostolic and Roman.

The reasoning or above considerations lead us to a life in complete reconciliation with God, trying to adjust our attitudes and behaviors to their teachings and precepts. None of us is exempt from falling into sin and in navigating the father of lies. Hence, we must strengthen our faith, our beliefs, and one way to accomplish this is to stay in constant prayer and communication with God, to submit to his direction, control, to be led from his hand by the different paths and which we will cross paths in our lives. When we exercise our agency is imperative to resort to the Holy Spirit to give us insight, wisdom and discernment to think, act and act on their intentions irrefutable and undeniable holy will. Our deeds and our actions will be judged in the trial that we touch is more than enfrentar.Y logical to think that if they are not good, not adjusted for truth, justice, mercy, forgiveness, love, solidarity and all those values \u200b\u200bthat represent the doctrine of salvation in Jesus, we shall discuss severe responsibilities and sanctions that will make us bitter moments pass, not only in our material or earthly existence, but also where we have after our death. Then to live as a Christian, practicing the truth, kindness and a deep love for God, lead us to walk in his paths and be a good generator of good works. For illustrative purposes immediately transcribe some excerpts from the Book of Sirach that reveal the application by the God of strict sanctions and challenge those who challenge his power.


"INCIDENTAL COMPANIES It is difficult to be prosecuted." MEGF. MONDAY, MAY 09, 2011.

5 "My eyes have seen many similar things and worse still listened to my ears.

6 In the meeting of sinners burning the fire and the nation turns rebellious anger.

7 The Lord did not spare the ancient giants who revolted in full strength.

8 No left unpunished the city where Lot lived, who loathed because of his pride. 9 No pity for the nation doomed to extermination, from which they were expelled because of their sins. 10 So also is the six hundred thousand soldiers mutinied by the hardness of his heart.

11 Although it was just one stubborn man, would be a miracle to go unpunished,
because it is the mercy, but anger is so strong for forgiveness as the prodigal to anger.

12 As great as his mercy is his disapproval: he judges each one according to their works.

13 The sinner shall not escape presani be disappointed with the constancy of the good.

14 He takes into account every charity and each will receive according to his deeds. " (Excerpts from the Book of Ecclesiasticus, chapter 16. Taken from the site

To cite this article: if it were the case exemplified:
FUENMAYOR GONZÁLEZ, Enrique Mervy. The exercise of the inquisitorial principle: Offering to Ethics or Justice? Maracaibo, Venezuela La Universidad del Zulia. 28-Jan-2009. Available at:
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