John Paul II, kisses our land in the capital de España
Es emocionante comprobar como la imagen de Juan PabloII está apareciendo estos días en la mayoría de los blogs, de manera espontánea y natural, certera respuesta a ese gran milagro que fue su vida y que la Iglesia reconoce beatificándole el 1 de mayo.
A todos se nos avivan los recuerdos que tenemos de él y a mi se me ha hecho de nuevo presente su primer viaje a España que comenzó en Madrid. Por entonces sólo llevaba cuatro años de Opus Dei y , gracias a la Obra, todo lo viví de manera muy intensa e interna, ya The preparations began with an exhaustive preparation of the soul. So the first thing that came into our hands was a brochure to distribute to everyone who put at our disposal, in which he exhorted and taught, beginning with us, the examination of conscience for good confession:
Here the purpose was to fill the balconies and windows with flags of the Vatican Madrid and Spain. First the confeccionábamos and later urged the inhabitants of the houses next to places that the Pope would then attend to the exhibit with joy. I must say that we do not get a bad gesture, or any rejection, on the contrary. They were days I will never forget, but what was forever etched in memory and heart, I believe that in Spain, was the presence, love and words of John Paul II. Simply passing through the streets was a real jubilee of individuals and families, the exit and entrance to his residence in the Apostolic Nuncio of the Avenida de Pio XII, a joyful expression of unity of the sons of the Church next to it felt like Father.
The Mass of families, in the Plaza de Lima, attended by more than one million people including parents, children and family. It was the boost we all needed to keep us on our principles. Please note that the trip of Pope agreed with the previously used for these cases, between the Holy See and the government headed by Joaquin Calvo Sotelo, was delayed so that its presence in Spain had no influence on the elections to be held about days later. Many did not understand this absurd decision. Indeed, in the polls was elected the first socialist government of democracy, that of Felipe Gonzalez.
Mass. The homily of that massive, no less fervent, focused, how could it be otherwise, on Marriage and the Family. Sometimes when I pass by the Plaza de Lima still I think I hear the echo of his words:
"You can never justify the killing of an innocent," clear condemnation of abortion.
During his trip he visited 18 cities in English, all with a strong religious significance, apostolic and Marian:
enshrined in Madrid's Almudena Cathedral, met with young people (one million of them) Stadium Bernabeu. I was not there, but my children and Arcendo . I have transmitted almost live and direct.
Among other activities, visit the Almudena cemetery to pray for the dead. I was moved in a particular way because not long that he had buried my mother. She prayed a lot for the Pope and he had come there to pray for her.
in Alba de Tormes
He also visited Salamanca, Department of Fray Luis de Leon and San Juan de la Cruz, the Shrine of Guadalupe, Toledo, the cradle of Christianity Visigoth, Sevilla, Granada, Loyola and Xavier, Zaragoza, the Shrine of Montserrat, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlcira, Moncada, Santiago de Compostela.
Juan Pablo II, made five visits to our country:
A scale at Zaragoza, 1984, to get a foot de la Virgen del Pilar as Patron of the Hispanic, in his trip to Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico to organize the V Centenary of the discovery of America
Praying to the Virgin of Pilar
In Sevilla
45 At the close of the Eucharistic Congress in Seville
The fifth and last trip, the pope will be beatified on May 1, 2011, Spain was in 2003 to meet with young people, about 700,000 attended this event in the Four aéreodromo Winds:
said his farewell in these words:
Infinite were the photographs taken in Spain of John Paul II, but for me the preferred and most endearing, which figures prominently in my home, is the show now. It was at a military center where the Pope Polish Navy embarked on the helicopter that departed from Madrid. I was very close with my baby then, Tamara, now mother of Paula and the other children, but did not let us get closer to kiss his hand, as did the "plugged in" to their husbands. It was seven o'clock and I had spent all night putting together the huge flag of the Vatican to raise it in the spar acuertelamiento (lack of foresight on the part of military commanders) the work more carefully and prayers have made in my life. Juan PabloII blessed us women from the helicopter.
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