No just cause must be given for loss ever. As bad as things do not go We give up.
Great example of this has given us once again: "victims of terrorism."
ETA is one step to access the English institutions come and go to the regional elections in different guises that no longer fool anyone, SORTU, Bildu ..., are called they are called up the pheasant best of them, known to be ETA. The aim is to enter fully in the institutions and enjoy its privileges, among others, to swell its coffers today should be in the red. If they succeed, as everyone fears, will take on our tax money that will continue to kill or for the government to give approval to its claims. Given this it is about to happen, we must not remain silent, count on it. Our obligation is to rebuke the government, demand, falling falling judges, not legalized in this way the armed gang.
Therefore, to seek justice, yesterday, victims of terrorism, coming from different parts of Spain, including Cuba, thirty-two associations have won back the streets Madrid, convened by the President, Mª Ángeles Pedraza
Su presencia en Madrid nos ha mostrado un ejemplo de constancia y valentía, enraizadas en el recuerdo doloroso de sus seres queridos, asesinados por ETA simplemente por ser españoles, siempre presentes en ellas, siempre reclamando justicia. Los más de 800 muertos por la ETA, más los numerosos heridos que intentan vivir en la normalidad a pesar de las muchas y graves secuelas, externas e internas, de los atentados terroristas, la tarde del sábado, acompañados y arropados por miles de ordinary citizens, English, well, about these and other viewers who could not attend, have claimed the President's Office and its partners in government:
" Do not serve our taxes to pay for their crimes." ;
There harsh words, demanding against Zapatero, Rubalcaba and all politicians seeking to ETA through negotiations, compromises and privileges to the band, with only one goal, that of appear in history as the man who ended ETA. That is not to finish, is a pants down all the way, surrender. And as Maria Angeles Pedraza said:
"English society nor sell or surrender"
And that society we, as are Spain and Spain will always be beside the victims and not the murderers who continue without abandoning the guns, without serving their sentences sentenced by judges, roam freely through the lands of our country mortally wounded, killing with impunity over the last fifty years.
of loyalty, solidarity, for love of country, we are twinned with all victims of terrorism and we echo his complaint to the government:
"by the defeat of ETA, NO to impunity"
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