Friday, April 29, 2011

Donjoy Defiance 3 Gold

memory of John Paul II Women Creating

John Paul II, kisses our land in the capital de España

Es emocionante comprobar como la imagen de Juan PabloII está apareciendo estos días en la mayoría de los blogs, de manera espontánea y natural, certera respuesta a ese gran milagro que fue su vida y que la Iglesia reconoce beatificándole el 1 de mayo.

A todos se nos avivan los recuerdos que tenemos de él y a mi se me ha hecho de nuevo presente su primer viaje a España que comenzó en Madrid. Por entonces sólo llevaba cuatro años de Opus Dei y , gracias a la Obra, todo lo viví de manera muy intensa e interna, ya The preparations began with an exhaustive preparation of the soul. So the first thing that came into our hands was a brochure to distribute to everyone who put at our disposal, in which he exhorted and taught, beginning with us, the examination of conscience for good confession:

Here the purpose was to fill the balconies and windows with flags of the Vatican Madrid and Spain. First the confeccionábamos and later urged the inhabitants of the houses next to places that the Pope would then attend to the exhibit with joy. I must say that we do not get a bad gesture, or any rejection, on the contrary. They were days I will never forget, but what was forever etched in memory and heart, I believe that in Spain, was the presence, love and words of John Paul II. Simply passing through the streets was a real jubilee of individuals and families, the exit and entrance to his residence in the Apostolic Nuncio of the Avenida de Pio XII, a joyful expression of unity of the sons of the Church next to it felt like Father.


The Mass of families, in the Plaza de Lima, attended by more than one million people including parents, children and family. It was the boost we all needed to keep us on our principles. Please note that the trip of Pope agreed with the previously used for these cases, between the Holy See and the government headed by Joaquin Calvo Sotelo, was delayed so that its presence in Spain had no influence on the elections to be held about days later. Many did not understand this absurd decision. Indeed, in the polls was elected the first socialist government of democracy, that of Felipe Gonzalez.
Mass. The homily of that massive, no less fervent, focused, how could it be otherwise, on Marriage and the Family. Sometimes when I pass by the Plaza de Lima still I think I hear the echo of his words:
"You can never justify the killing of an innocent," clear condemnation of abortion.

During his trip he visited 18 cities in English, all with a strong religious significance, apostolic and Marian:

enshrined in Madrid's Almudena Cathedral, met with young people (one million of them) Stadium Bernabeu. I was not there, but my children and Arcendo . I have transmitted almost live and direct.
Among other activities, visit the Almudena cemetery to pray for the dead. I was moved in a particular way because not long that he had buried my mother. She prayed a lot for the Pope and he had come there to pray for her.


in Alba de Tormes

He also visited Salamanca, Department of Fray Luis de Leon and San Juan de la Cruz, the Shrine of Guadalupe, Toledo, the cradle of Christianity Visigoth, Sevilla, Granada, Loyola and Xavier, Zaragoza, the Shrine of Montserrat, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bAlcira, Moncada, Santiago de Compostela.

Juan Pablo II, made five visits to our country:

A scale at Zaragoza, 1984, to get a foot de la Virgen del Pilar as Patron of the Hispanic, in his trip to Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico to organize the V Centenary of the discovery of America

Praying to the Virgin of Pilar


In Sevilla

45 At the close of the Eucharistic Congress in Seville

The fifth and last trip, the pope will be beatified on May 1, 2011, Spain was in 2003 to meet with young people, about 700,000 attended this event in the Four aéreodromo Winds:

said his farewell in these words:


Infinite were the photographs taken in Spain of John Paul II, but for me the preferred and most endearing, which figures prominently in my home, is the show now. It was at a military center where the Pope Polish Navy embarked on the helicopter that departed from Madrid. I was very close with my baby then, Tamara, now mother of Paula and the other children, but did not let us get closer to kiss his hand, as did the "plugged in" to their husbands. It was seven o'clock and I had spent all night putting together the huge flag of the Vatican to raise it in the spar acuertelamiento (lack of foresight on the part of military commanders) the work more carefully and prayers have made in my life. Juan PabloII blessed us women from the helicopter.



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do Athletes With Dislocated Shoulders Play Still

"Creating Women" Miguel Angel

I think of all the things you can get something useful.
I liked the interpretation that the Talmud makes the creation of Women.

With permission from Leire Pajin:

"The woman was taken ( by God) man's rib ( Adam)
not the feet to be trampled, not the head to be superior, but
side to be equal.
A little further down the arm to be protected
heart to be loved. "
The Talmud

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Calcium Deposits On Pelvis


Last truce biggest week of the year, our Easter, and Christ risen, we shall return, with more courage if possible, to defend our rights. Therefore I bring an article of " Association in Defence of the Valley of the Fallen," disclosure of which has been requested:

According to information that the Association for the Defence of the Valley Memorial has had a chance to check the secular government of the Kingdom of Spain is reportedly pushing for longer offers TV Intereconomía Sunday Mass from the Valley of the Fallen.

We have always shown from the ADVC, our deep appreciation to the group Intereconomía for the decisive role played by the media group to defend the Valley of the Fallen
The deployment of both technical and human resources for retransmissions Mass campaign first and later inside the Basilica Pontificia the Valley of the Fallen, played a decisive role in the disclosure of the harassment he suffered then and continues to suffer now so great place and what it represents.

we quantify several hundred messages, through our website, phone and mail we received from all over Spain and beyond our borders Intereconomía congratulating the group for the invaluable work of bringing the Valley of the Fallen and the cult of the Benedictine monks thousands of faithful that geographic issue, illness or age can not Cuelgamuros pilgrimage to every Sunday.

happens, how could it be otherwise, that the powerful secularist movement which alerted us in his day Pope Benedict XVI, and which is clearly commanded by the highest political authorities in this country , is annoying and uncomfortable for audiences that have Intereconomía Mass every Sunday with the Valley.
why, and take this rumor true weight in the last hours, the government might be pressuring the Group Intereconomía to stop broadcasting the Mass from the Valley of Cuelgamuros.
This would be a new attack, and there are already too many to that place of worship which is the Valley of the Fallen and the Historical Memory Law itself recognized.

What bothers broadcasting the Mass?, Who do harm to a media private uses its resources in spreading the cult of the Church of the Valley of the Fallen to the thousands of faithful every Sunday followed with true devotion to television broadcasts?.

From here we renew our total and unconditional support to the Benedictine Community of the Valley of the Fallen, we encourage Intereconomía Group to not bend to pressure and we wonder what will be the position to take the English ecclesiastical authorities to this new cut on freedom of worship for the English.

Therefore, and with all due respect, we ask who is responsible for ensuring freedom of worship of the faithful, take a hand in this new attack on religious beliefs, which is now playing, and has long expected a strong performance defense of a place of worship of the importance, no less, of the Basilica Pontificia.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hidden Blade For Sale Calgary

Regina Caeli


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Can I Drink Alcohol While Taking Mucinex


Today, Holy Wednesday , just want to make a complaint.

We agree that everyone is free to do with his life what he wants, "of a frock coat" as the saying goes, so these days we are on vacation, called, EASTER, that Christians are SANTOS because in them Jesus Christ won for God, one can invest in what each person wants, but it would be desirable to use them to advance in holiness, living Passion of Christ in our own body and soul, I understand that there who prefer to devote to travel, to collapse the airports, train stations, hotels and other places of entertainment, getting juice to the Visa that this is despite the crisis.

I understand everything, but do not share, but what shocked me and made me jump off the chair when watching television, was an announcement of a shopping center that boasts of cheap and really it is. Do not say his name because I do not want to advertise for free. The announcement said that, more or less:
Celebrate Easter with a box of shrimp by ... "

not remember the price or if it was a kilo or two I just think that is reportable, we're getting to the insult of citizens with this distortion of everything religious, well the excesses of Christmas, but making sacred these days that should be of recollection, regret and pain, along with joy of Easter Easter, a feast of shrimp, I think the most crass that we can provide and a lack of respect for Christians. Each place you like, but please do not avail themselves of the Semana Santa to promote some shrimp or any other material thing, to call for it these days, otherwise, "Celebrate the holidays or leisure these days getting fed up with seafood or sun ... "
denounce and you're, say the name of the establishment in case anyone wants to make a direct claim to the same address. This is the

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rare Image Of Kate Ground


We have just entered the Easter and I know that nothing is important, but compensation and support to pain and Passion of Jesus Christ. However, I want to thank God for this post because, for the redemptive suffering of her Son, pain on Saturday we baptize my granddaughter Paula, daughter of the Catholic Church.
was baptized in the Church Officer of the Navy, Our Lady del Carmen, which have been most of our family events. chaired by the beautiful image of the Virgin who heads this post.

Paula cried a lot until he reached the turning point of the baptismal water that seemed to calm her. She enjoys the water and I'm sure more of the Holy Spirit.

Everything was fast, familiar and very exciting. These religious ceremonies that God gives me live with my grandchildren, new life to me, is like being reborn and check that all is well, that God gives us much more than we deserve.

Another who enjoyed a great time was Gonzalete that despite leaving the last place her cousin Paula, continues to delight everyone. To show these two snapshots stolen with impunity.

very nearly brought down the heavy to stand, with great shock by parent, Sponsors of the baptized.

The imposition of the Brown Scapular.
Such taxation should be made by Carmelite monks, but also enjoy that privilege some priests, in this case, the Navy's military, as the patroness Our Lady of Mount Caramel.
all know the favors granted to whoever wears this scapular lifetime, the best known are the promise that he shall not die in mortal sin and that the Blessed Virgin the grace to get them out of Purgatory, where he had fallen on Saturday following his death.
This act of the imposition of the Scapular, I'm excited in a particular way, so that in itself is my watch and rewind vital because many years ago, precisely when she was born Tamara's mother, Paula. By then began my devotion to the Scapular, Julio and I went with the ten children to a Carmelite convent, very close to our home in those years, that they were imposed on everyone, parents included, (I already had) and would enjoy the protection of Carmen to the end of his days.
I mentioned this detail to encourage those who still do not have this great Marian privilege.

immortalized the great moment of ESCAPULARIO

The celebration was very family fun in our own home because it does not go to excesses economic times, even the entrance of Holy Week did not ask for anything else.

Now, Lord, after the baptism thank you Paula, I ask you to help me and help my brothers, to live this Easter with only two purposes: Repentance and Thanks.

Repentance: for all our sins, not general, but one by one, specific and real leading and bring Christ to the Cross.
Thanks, by the redeeming and saving Cruz with any suffering that you saved your son, loving that far so we could call your children and really we were.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother,
pray for us!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dvd Franchise Agreement Template


With the rosary in her trembling hand and heart, Mother, we accompany you in these days leading up to the Passion of your Son, always lean on us We also plan by your children.
tell you something I do not know, Mother, Mother.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Shuttle Service Wording

? We will not surrender

When Jesus tells us: "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect," we are asking for perfection in behavior, but mostly at the mercy, love.
These days when the forces of evil are unleashed against Christians everywhere, even to martyrdom in some body, it is sometimes difficult to exercise mercy to those we seek out tickles. The immediate are the angry words and if we have time until the slaps because what hurts us is not for ourselves but for the offense to everything we believe. Truthful, things taking place against the Church, against our beliefs, the outrages upon the most sacred ... attitude that, in principle, I would be causes swing the sword to defend all that is foremost in my life. And who knows? maybe we are approaching the moment of drawing swords. But Jesus Christ, when they went to capture him, he sent Peter to keep his sword.

Today, as we are asked to be perfect in mercy to others. Asks us for one reason: God us behaves better than we deserve, this should move us to behave well with others, better than they deserve .
love, pray for them is the best rather than unwittingly our enemies that they are of Christ, we can make us , giving us the opportunity to try to be perfect as our Father God is perfect.
The Christian attitude does not mean that we stay on idly by the offenses, the Church, the Pope to our principles. We must look, with all means at our disposal, to lay the groundwork to whom it is necessary, authorities, judges and "Sursun Corda," for respect for our faith.
But, dear friend brother in faith, never let anyone get to hate him.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Meaning Of Bejhan

Final Exam Preparation. Groups A and F

History of Philosophy. 2 º Bachillerato. 2010-2011 academic year

There are two types of final exam:

1) Review for students who have passed two or three evaluations .

2) Review for students who have failed two or three evaluations .

In both cases, include all authors of the program are explained in class: Plato Aristotle S. Augustine, S. Thomas, Descartes, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Nietzsche and Ortega. In each of them has to know:

· His thought.

· The historical, cultural and philosophical of his time.

· The content of his texts.

Also in both cases, space and time are limited (two hour and a half pages). This should be taken into account leave no question unanswered . It is also important complete the two pages, so it is not enough known a brief outline, because the answer can be short. Therefore, interested to know more about what to write .

1. Examination for students who have passed two or three evaluations.

The examination will test the model of selectivity, ie will two options (A and B) . The student may choose one of the two and should answer only the questions of choice.

can see a sample examination and correction of specific criteria in the following link: documento33598.pdf

In option A , text and three of the questions will focus on one of the first six authors of the program (Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas, Descartes and Hume), while that in option B , text and three of the other issues discussed on the program's authors (Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas, Descartes, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Nietzsche and Ortega ), but in a different philosophical age to the author of option A. Therefore, if one prepares very well from Plato to Hume, knows for certain that he will ask one of the authors who have prepared.

will four issues, which will be modeled after the questions have been raised in reviews of assessments, with a small difference in the fourth question, which is specified below. Therefore, the advice they gave to the review of the 2nd assessment in relation to the questions first, second and third are still valid (in this blog, as of February 2, 2011 ). It should be emphasized that to correctly answer the second question must be very careful on two things:

· Link good ideas to avoid exposing the contents of isolated or disconnected.

· Use language appropriately and accurately, especially when it comes to philosophical terms.

The fourth question was asked the explanation of a philosophical problem (for example, the problem of knowledge) in a philosophical author or not belonging to the author's time which is being proposed in first question. So, if the text of Plato, this question will indicate that you have to explain the philosophical problem proposed in a philosophical author or not belonging to ancient times, which means that you can choose any author from Augustine to Ortega y Gasset. It is therefore very important to know what time each author belongs.

The answers to questions 1 st, 3 rd and 4 th may obtain a maximum score of 2 points each, while the answer to question 2 ª may be up to 4 points.

2. Consideration for those who have suspended two or more reports.

This test also have two options (A and B) . The student may choose one of the two and should answer only the questions of choice.

In each of the options will five issues that relate to five authors are different from those included in the program and explained in class: Plato, Aristotle, S. Augustine, S. Thomas, Descartes, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Marx, Nietzsche and Ortega.

The first question was asked , as those carried out in the three evaluations, "exposing the fundamental ideas of the proposed text and the relationship between them." So, the advice they gave to the review of the 2nd assessment in relation to the first question are still valid (in this blog, as of February 2, 2011 ).

The remaining four issues may be of the following type:

a) Post a philosophical problem (for example, will the problem of knowledge) in a author of the program.

b) Framing the thought of a of the authors of the program with the historical, cultural and philosophical at the time.

To address adequately the issues of type a) and b) serve the general advice offered to questions 3 and 4 th in the examination of the 2 nd assessment (in this blog, date February 2, 2011 ). It should be noted that in each of the five questions were asked by different authors.

All questions will be rated with a maximum of 2 points each.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

32 Weeks Pregnant With Migraines

No just cause must be given for loss ever. As bad as things do not go We give up.
Great example of this has given us once again:
"victims of terrorism."

ETA is one step to access the English institutions come and go to the regional elections in different guises that no longer fool anyone, SORTU, Bildu ..., are called they are called up the pheasant best of them, known to be ETA. The aim is to enter fully in the institutions and enjoy its privileges, among others, to swell its coffers today should be in the red. If they succeed, as everyone fears, will take on our tax money that will continue to kill or for the government to give approval to its claims. Given this it is about to happen, we must not remain silent, count on it. Our obligation is to rebuke the government, demand, falling falling judges, not legalized in this way the armed gang.

Therefore, to seek justice, yesterday, victims of terrorism, coming from different parts of Spain, including Cuba, thirty-two associations have won back the streets Madrid, convened by the President, Mª Ángeles   Pedraza 

Su presencia en Madrid nos ha mostrado un ejemplo de constancia y valentía, enraizadas en el recuerdo doloroso de sus seres queridos, asesinados por ETA simplemente por ser españoles, siempre presentes en ellas, siempre reclamando justicia. Los más de 800 muertos por la ETA, más los numerosos heridos que intentan vivir en la normalidad a pesar de las muchas y graves secuelas, externas e internas, de los atentados terroristas, la tarde del sábado, acompañados y arropados por miles de ordinary citizens, English, well, about these and other viewers who could not attend, have claimed the President's Office and its partners in government:
" Do not serve our taxes to pay for their crimes." ;
harsh words, demanding against Zapatero, Rubalcaba and all politicians seeking to ETA through negotiations, compromises and privileges to the band, with only one goal, that of appear in history as the man who ended ETA. That is not to finish, is a pants down all the way, surrender. And as Maria Angeles Pedraza said:
"English society nor sell or surrender"
And that society we, as are Spain and Spain will always be beside the victims and not the murderers who continue without abandoning the guns, without serving their sentences sentenced by judges, roam freely through the lands of our country mortally wounded, killing with impunity over the last fifty years.

of loyalty, solidarity, for love of country, we are twinned with all victims of terrorism and we echo his complaint to the government:
"by the defeat of ETA, NO to impunity"


Intereconomia IMAGES ARE

Dfdfdfdfwwomen Wearing Bocxing Gloves

Jose Luis Martin BAREFOOT:


Christians, even in the midst of adversity, we are obliged to offer to others the precious gift of SMILE

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bridemaid Dressesunder 50 Dollars


Paula reaction

Do so long sighed, and then some, by the march of ZP and now he has announced his departure, you can not write a single line? It's true, but I wonder if by the time you have chosen or the way in walkabouts, or because it hurts me a year to support its inefficiency and malice or by the successors to predict ...

The fact is that nothing inspires me. However, I will post the tasty and successful review of our beloved Bruce, what have proved fruitful these two laws Zapateriles for Spain. We all know the devastation that has resulted in his step, especially for Catholics, but even more poignant is if we see portrayed as the author of the comment you left on my blog: and lists specific.


Their stage was characterized by a palpable hostility to the Catholic religion and the Church's role in English society to the point that in all our country's history there has been no ruling has been so long dechristianization done so much for your effective, trying to maintain a dual strategy, with the Holy See on one side and the other Episcopal Conference, which generally has only served to the image policy of the Executive.

A review of seven years to appreciate the magnitude of what happened.

Legislation against natural law:
1. Divorce Law Express, July 2005.
2. Homosexual marriage, July 2005.
3. Embryo Screening Act, May 2006.
4. Human Cloning Act, June 2007.
5. Allowing the sale free of the abortion pill, September 2009.
6. Law of free abortion up to 14 weeks, including for girls of 16 years without consent or knowledge of their parents, March 2010.

Implementation of gender ideology as a backbone structure of the English legislation:
1. Law against Gender Violence, December 2004.
2. Law on effective equality between men and women, March 2007.
3. Gender Identity Law, March 2008.

anti-Christian Indoctrination:
1. Implementation of the course Education for Citizenship, September 2007.
2. Non-legislative proposal that urges the Government to remove crucifixes from classrooms, December 2009.
3. Implementation of national strategy for sexual health and reproductive October 2010.

direct attack on freedom of the Church:
1. Reform of the law of religious freedom, yet to start but whose only changes of importance in the current status relating to the public presence of the Church, summer 2009.
2. Gubernatorial closing of the basilica of the Valley of the Fallen on the day of the visit of Benedict XVI to Galicia and Catalonia, November 2010.

rude gestures to places or people in the Church:
1. Santiago de Compostela, July 2004, Zapatero omitted the customary kiss the Apostle.
2. Valencia, July 2006, Zapatero did not go to the Manises airport to bid farewell to Pope after his visit to Spain.
3. Santiago de Compostela, July 2010, Zapatero became the first ruler in modern history of Spain (including Felipe González) that does not cross the Holy Year Holy Door.

The list is not exhaustive and only includes direct actions and decisions of the Prime Minister, in an anti-Catholic trend that has characterized the work of the executive and to which they have never protested any of the self-styled "Christian" as José Bono PSOE Jose Blanco and Ramon Jauregui. Goodbye

Zapatero and "God help you, BUT YOU MY SEPARATE"

But let's not bells ringing, the damage is done, who will succeed him as president, whether socialist or not, you know, willing and able to remedy from the government? I sincerely believe that only citizens, our politicians can demand to do someday.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Charity Hodges En Planetsuzy


If anything I am addicted to coffee is, well, that I have now hand, although lately can not abuse too much of that magic potion that brought us the New World by Columbus and Queen of Castile.

My fondness for coffee comes from time immemorial, such as sleeplessness at night, caused by the studios ... How often I had to directly test the power at night! And all thanks to coffee.
Today it occurred to me this post because where I usually get close, away from home, my favorite drink has long discovered this beautiful picture of the Virgin, with the nickname of THE VIRGIN OF COFFEE. until yesterday I could not portray, as the table is under she was always busy.

Needless to say that since my discovery, almost comparable to that of Columbus, no longer drink coffee elsewhere. Whoever of you wishes is invited to join me in this joyful necessary. The manager is a nice young smiling name Monica, which serve customers develop a tireless apostolate. With a rosary on his wrist, wasted no opportunity to talk with all the apostolic occupying a table at your site.

Recent research has shown that coffee prevents diseases as diverse as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or diabetes in adults. Something that seems to be because coffee increases the amount of "Adiponectin, a hormone whose presence improves the resistance to insulin.

very beneficial effect

_Disminuye feelings of fatigue and sleepiness.
_Aumenta mental attention span.
_Ejerce a vasodilator and increases the risk coronary.
_Tiene diuretic effect
_It an important source of antioxidants that protect cell degeneration. _Reduce

Blessed be the coffee, no abuse and no medical contraindications. Blessed, especially if taken under the gaze and the company of the Virgin Café.