The newspaper El Mundo, on Sunday March 27, 2011, in paragraph CHRONICLE, published an article signed by Pilar Urbano, very interesting and scoop.
Pasmadita I was reading it, because it is an interview with Anna Biryukov, apparently the granddaughter of The Passion.
His reading has led me very mixed feelings. On the one hand the great joy to see how God's mercy has no limits or boundaries, on the other a great uneasiness.
Anna was raised, from early childhood in the parameters of the Russian Communist Party, not baptized or receive any religious education, deep in all the movements that are required to pass to children and young Russians, until the advent of perestroika. In the year 1992 comes to Spain with his family, he studied economics and knows that today is her husband. Three years before entering into the marriage begins to receive Catholic religion classes to prepare for baptism. His conversion was not merely a requirement for marriage, but she claims it was real and true, God came to fetch her. Met the Catholic religion by her husband and Opus Dei by colleges of their six children.
These roads God never ceases to amaze. No one would think that a descendant of Dolores Uribe would be a fervent Catholic. We rejoice, we rejoice in the Lord. Anna
also that it is news that her great-grandmother, known as The Passion, confessed before his death. Christ came to seek the righteous, but sinners. For many of us this seems a miracle that we do not understand why it has been muted. I guess that is because the communist party has wanted it to be made public because it is contrary to their ideals.
We Catholics also want, Jesus Christ, that all men be saved and news like this is cause for joy. However, in the interview is something I "chirps," I can not help: He says the great-granddaughter of The Passion that Saint Josemaría and she, who lived the same time of the English Civil War, would have known personally connected, because Both were great and true to his ideals ... For me, the risk of sounding too harsh, as if they had known, Dolores, that peace of God rest, had betrayed him and a priest, would have been executed without remedy, something that got rid passing through the Pyrenees to the Nationalist zone, after many dangers and adventures. On the other hand the ideals of great-grandmother were light years of the saint.
of conversion and confession I have to rejoice in the Lord and trying to forget all the evil that women pro-Soviet Communist Party did in the war, forget because he has forgotten it, and forget my own sins.
congratulate Pilar Urbano, which was never my cup of tea, for this extraordinary scoop that has given us through the world, but I do not like the climax of it, because it concludes that the Holy Founder The Passion are now together and very active.
I said, "chirps" and thank God that in Heaven there are many and varied dwellings
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