Monday, March 14, 2011

Blood Vessels Burst Mouth Treatment


is true that some news would be better to ignore them, as the protagonists of them all you want is to jump to the media so morbid, and have no other merits to be considered famous. In the circumstances now mean I can not silence me, I've tried and flu helped me at first, but now, "hindsight" I have to talk because I was hurt very directly.

met the bad news, like the others, by the news, but also did not take our friend Bruce to let me arrive by mail. I really appreciate it because it was as the impetus to touch this issue.

Bruce Mail:
About 70 thugs break into the temple of Somosaguas
With topless in the Complutense University Chapel: Several girls
stripped from the waist up amid applause and cheers from the group

The walls and gates of the compound appeared full of graffiti with more insults to the Catholic religion
Bad taste and depravity have been installed at the Universidad Complutense. This March 10, 2011, around one afternoon, a large group of boys and girls entered the campus chapel Somosaguas and after reading aloud his criticism of the Catholic Church and insulting the clergy, several girls, around the altar, stripped to the waist to the applause and cheers from the rest of the hooligans.
One student, the other, which, at such times, praying in the church, says that two of the thugs, and without clothes, " flaunted their homosexual tendency l '. Write
Mary ABC Serrano Isabel that religious leaders of this temple university they intend to file a complaint at the police station Pozuelo de Alarcón, municipality for this campus of the University Complutense (UCM).
this chapel attacks are not new. Earlier this week, the walls and gates of the compound appeared full of graffiti with more insults to the Catholic religion.

I can not consider it a simple prank, it's much of a coincidence that these acts of vandalism are happening lately in our universities, and not long ago in Barcelona where the only solution taken by the Rector of it was to close the chapel to thank God, was reopened, as if the attacks on banks or other entities will be solved by closing everything in place to prosecute and punish perpetrators.
To me the University was and should be a selected place, the temple of knowledge and not a platform where maxificada quisqui points to all that he has nothing to do for lack of work or entertainment. I'm not against that university studies are available to everyone, but if I object, though this serves no purpose, to abuses center is much less attempt to deny, to those who wish to practice according to the faith they profess.
Yes, the devil, which exists within and outside a man with a real existence, going to college.

ignorance It uses many of the cold of those who are obliged to implement its authority, Presidents and Deans, these attacks on the freedom to profess and practice a religion that pleases every student and above all, the devil is in those hidden forces that by all means try to make the Catholic religion disappears public life and take refuge in the sacristy.
someone you imagine these blasphemous occurrences within one of the many mosques in place in Spain?

These things hurt me so special because, in contrast, bring me the wonderful memories of my college days where I was perfectly happy, despite the reservations that had the prejudices of that education time we had instilled. I understand the need to adapt to the times, but I can not fail to miss the atmosphere of respect, camaraderie and friendship I found in those classrooms university courses during 1957/60, when we were about nine or ten girls who were studying economics among myriads of men.
never had better friends in my life, second only to the ones I have now in this new world of knowledge blogger.



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