Monday, March 28, 2011

Volvo S40 Head Gasket Blown

The newspaper El Mundo, on Sunday March 27, 2011, in paragraph CHRONICLE, published an article signed by Pilar Urbano, very interesting and scoop.

Pasmadita I was reading it, because it is an interview with Anna Biryukov, apparently the granddaughter of The Passion.
His reading has led me very mixed feelings. On the one hand the great joy to see how God's mercy has no limits or boundaries, on the other a great uneasiness.

Anna was raised, from early childhood in the parameters of the Russian Communist Party, not baptized or receive any religious education, deep in all the movements that are required to pass to children and young Russians, until the advent of perestroika. In the year 1992 comes to Spain with his family, he studied economics and knows that today is her husband. Three years before entering into the marriage begins to receive Catholic religion classes to prepare for baptism. His conversion was not merely a requirement for marriage, but she claims it was real and true, God came to fetch her. Met the Catholic religion by her husband and Opus Dei by colleges of their six children.
These roads God never ceases to amaze. No one would think that a descendant of Dolores Uribe would be a fervent Catholic. We rejoice, we rejoice in the Lord. Anna
also that it is news that her great-grandmother, known as The Passion, confessed before his death. Christ came to seek the righteous, but sinners. For many of us this seems a miracle that we do not understand why it has been muted. I guess that is because the communist party has wanted it to be made public because it is contrary to their ideals.
We Catholics also want, Jesus Christ, that all men be saved and news like this is cause for joy. However, in the interview is something I "chirps," I can not help: He says the great-granddaughter of The Passion that Saint Josemaría and she, who lived the same time of the English Civil War, would have known personally connected, because Both were great and true to his ideals ... For me, the risk of sounding too harsh, as if they had known, Dolores, that peace of God rest, had betrayed him and a priest, would have been executed without remedy, something that got rid passing through the Pyrenees to the Nationalist zone, after many dangers and adventures. On the other hand the ideals of great-grandmother were light years of the saint.
of conversion and confession I have to rejoice in the Lord and trying to forget all the evil that women pro-Soviet Communist Party did in the war, forget because he has forgotten it, and forget my own sins.
congratulate Pilar Urbano, which was never my cup of tea, for this extraordinary scoop that has given us through the world, but I do not like the climax of it, because it concludes that the Holy Founder The Passion are now together and very active.
I said, "chirps" and thank God that in Heaven there are many and varied dwellings

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kate Ground Mobile Vid


As I'm still a bit off center, mostly because of the comings and goings of my granddaughter's home to mine This has repercussions on the blog, today I leave only a small and beautiful sonnet, a sonnet if it can ever be small.
Dedicated especially to someone who has always admired and loved the author of it and that is the NUMBER ONE of the commentators on this blog.
sure you like:

Now that we own, Christ,
tell you the truth, Lord, I do not
How I can believe what I see
if faith is believing what is not I have seen?

If I hear your voice in my How to resist?
How I can find, if you own,
if you chew it, if I taste?
This is my faith, take communion, therefore I am.

I will not have to jump over the gap
to reach the edge of your hands
or put my head on your chest.

more inside of me that you as mine.
your voice I know more than my brothers.
That your faith is more certain than certainty.
José Luis Martín Barefoot

Arcendo Did you like?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Applying Vitamin E Oil After Using Efudex


You, Lord spoke to Moses directly as a friend talk with a friend, not as you did earlier with the prophets, through dreams or visions.
I know you will not talk to me because the mission given to Moses needed this direct conversation with you, Eternal Father, and because your words transformed his life in total surrender to his brothers and all your monitoring mandates. But tonight, Lord, I come to you for words, just give thanks that the word and I came to us by your love. That word made flesh in Jesus Christ, your Son, much more sound and convincing than those addressed to Moses in his day, hotter than a bush fire that burned his face.

Thank you, oh God for giving us your Son, let him live and die among us and for us.
We just see him going up to Jerusalem, Matthew tells in his Gospel (20.17 to 28).
I saw you, Jesus, going up, knowing what awaited you there. So I come to you to ask you, Lord Can you see me you can ascend to the Jerusalem of my life? Towards Jerusalem show that this Lent for Christians?

I will not ask any reward or me or my brothers, nor do we sit at your right or left, I only dare to write to you, our Father, to implore the grace, strength and constancy, for them and me, we need for this hard and difficult climb, need to follow the footsteps of our Savior. No corners were cut sufimientos evidence or, despite our, my weakness, but give us the strength we need to reach and remain in Jerusalem of our lives, until you want, until you decide when our real encounter with Jesus Christ living and glorious.

Tonight, God came to give thanks for him, for allowing him to live and die among us and for us.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Teething And Constipation


By coincidence? I have received this email and I think is very interesting for everyone, even anonymous ones.

If anyone knows the author can claim.

I think is worth reading ALL CONTENT. Nothing happens by chance

According the online edition of El Pais, the 2nd of January, in Ireland, from first year, enforces the "law of defamation," in which specified which, for blasphemy, any person can be fined up to € 25,000.

blasphemous is defined as an expression "extremely abusive or insulting in relation to a matter taken as sacred by any religion, causing outrage in a substantial number of followers of that religion."

is also specified in this diary, as there are countries like Finland, where blasphemy is punishable by imprisonment. In Spain the crime of blasphemy, was removed from the Code in 1988.

This news is what made me think of how society has deteriorated English, in just over thirty years. Of how a society, en masse, it has grown into a rabble of rude people, lack of values, especially tawdry and a television station in the afternoon. Pass me by .... Moñooooo and nothing happens, unlike applaud and pay for it mimic a mother with a daughter to educate. So? and also the amounts his rudeness to other programs.

Some might want to give a justification of political tinge to all these changes, we will try to create the idea that it was Franco and his regime, which taught us that morality and therefore must fight.

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that the word Honor, today has no content? Who pronounces it today? Who says today, that phrase used to be a determinant of truth, "I give you my word of honor" and that was the question? Before two men shook hands and there was no document that I had more strength. This occurred since ancient times, before the dictator.

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that the word country, word is empty? Who pronounce today?, Only those who want the independence of a piece of Spain, but if someone pronounces it, is a facade españolista.

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that the word God, nor is meaningful to a large majority of English? Anything you say the Church is criticized, on the contrary claim in an almost laughable "The Alliance of Civilizations."

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that today a woman over 16, if he says he is a virgin, may be the comic story of the day?

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that Spain is the largest consumer of cocaine in Europe?

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that English students are the most ignorant of all the EC?

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that Spain is the only country where the national flag, hide and be a source of mockery and disrespect for the vast majority of the English, with the approval of those in power?

But can you believe, it is by chance, in your own country, you can study in your own language? And that knowledge of a provincial language, has more merit than the more sophisticated master? And worst of all, if you do not know that language can not work.

But can you believe, it is by chance in an event where the King, the King of Spain, will host, will be handing out whistles on the doors, to mount a hit, the national anthem when it rings?

But can you believe, it is by chance in Spain when the streets are filled with Islamic veils, to forbid us crucifixes, that once already using D. Pelayo?

But can you believe, it is no coincidence that since the TV is encouraging, drugs, homosexuality, anti-clericalism, abortion, poor education, living the story, and that any uneducated and uncouth character soars to new levels when the TV is the main public school of the nation?

I believe that many chances. I consider myself a normal citizen, I'm not moralistic, nor do I pretend, but can not be much chance of spontaneous generation. There is something missing. I would say that behind it is the director of that orchestra. Who is ...? we all know,

And what is worse, who cares ...?
Who wrote this is right. Nowhere going to what happens in this country. The sad thing is that many are proud to be "different" ...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kayla Hawethorne Toronto


seems like yesterday, the filmmakers of subsidies Zapatero grouped around shouting their "no war," PP scolding the ruling, calling the President Aznar murderer.
seems like yesterday, when he held the Moncloa Zp boosted by a cruel and despicable attack which cost 200 dead and thousands of victims.
seems like yesterday, when the "pass" of the socialist phones broke the day of reflection of an election, for charging the blame for the bombing of the Atocha train the entry of Spain into the Iraq war .

seems like yesterday and those of the CEJA, are positioned themselves today, with Zapatero and Rubalcaba, in favor of a new war, with the excuse that this is not the same as in Iraq, which is, say, a lesser evil.
Do not have this war dyes similar to the other? : Dictator, Oil and the shadow of Al Fall swarming around-

I'm not saying that we should not be united, nor that passing the buck has to be, as we are members of the UN and NATO, what infuriates me is the performance of a President and Government, yesterday, when they were opposition mobilized his followers against the war and sent today to battle four F-18, a boing for refueling, a submarine, the only one and we should be, a frigate and 500 soldiers to risk their lives.

The world is at war and who knows how it will end all this. Spain economically dying Can afford this expense? Where will the money to cover this amount? My ignorance on this subject led me to think that those international organizations contribute all or part of these emaciated expenses, but I learned that it is not and that all proceeds from the budget of each country, ie in our case, English . In other words, the taxpayer wins.

What new tax adjustments will lead us this military operation, dubbed filmmaker and poetic manner as Odyssey at dawn?

Poor you and poor me, Spaniard who live brain subjected to the whims of a president who acts on the run disguised as a Democrat .

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Install Carpet In A Closet


Today I'm by your side and I feel nostalgia for you, Paula, so I write to get closer

I do not know if Heaven will be like seeing your smile or contemplate sleeping with your little arms up. Formerly it was said that when babies slept in that position was because they were fully healthy and happy. I do not know if that assessment has changed with modern times, like so many other things in your world. but I'm sure of is that Heaven must be something like when I get to calm your crying and your face is portrayed in all its beauty.

know that sometimes gives me this power ... it is as longing and in this life, everything else takes second place, even if it is wrong to say .
is true that while in this world we live subject to suffering, but having a baby in her arms and do not know the reason for her crying is very hard to bear, even for a grandmother who has gone through almost all passable.
Why the research, R & D and other trifles?

I gets on my nerves when the pediatrician, who feigns to Sabiondo, smile and tell your daddy, "Baby Colic," there is something else, thus you go through with the best so that they can, as they happen or intuit ...
Luckily I never accompanied them on these visits, otherwise I would hear;
"Mr. Galen," That's all he can think what happens when my little girl so badly?

the end, only discovered the diagnosis, but not the solution. Resources are the usual, chamomile and anise, this traveling for these bags, that and my grandmother used it and thank goodness for the moment quiet you sometimes ... while praying maketh me of the Rosaries used. While
... Vicálvaro Moon enlightens us through the window.

Indeed, Paula, as outgrown going jersecito I knitted for you, after having hung up his hands, five years ago, by the computer. Amarillito because your mom did not want anything pink.

Hey baby, sleeping in that position because you too calm at times.



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vegeta Finds Out Bulma's Pregnant Episode

were numerous musicians who formed part of the family of Johann Sebastian Bach , great among the greats, whose spirituality is not everyone understands. Born wrapped in a musical environment for seven generations provided the world with at least 53 musicians importance. His father, a violinist, taught him to handle string instruments since early childhood. And all around were uncles, brothers, sons and grandchildren who also made music their passion and their way of life. But today I do not entertain in the great Bach, whose life is well known to us, but by the person who shared his life from his widow and he barely has highlighted the story of the great composer.

Anna Magdalena Bach

Anna, Bach's second wife, born in Germany in Zeitz on December 22, 1701 and when he met the composer acted as a soprano, the daughter of a trumpeter in the court of Zeitz , Johann Caspar . Upon meeting her future husband that she had the 2nd years, while Bach had already served 36.


married on December 3, 1721, seventeen months after the death of his first wife, Barbara, who led the children from his first marriage did not behave well with it.
was a love match, in which Anna was given for life to her husband and musical of the same, giving up his own contract and pay as soprano .
They had
twelve children and wrote many manuscripts with notes on Sebastian Bach, proving that dedication and love for all that he meant for posterity. "For its part, the musical genius of the four books that musical composed, devoted two of his wife who was deeply in love . interpenetrate and Anna helped him transcribe his music, even said, after some studies and investigations, which, having a similar handwriting, the manuscript of the Six Sonatas for Violin and was calligraphic Suits for it.
Both shared the same love and dedication as his musical home in Leipzig became the real center of Anna Magdalena musical evenings with friends and family organized.

However, all their dedication and dedication, found no material compensation, since the death of Johann Sebastian Bach, on July 28, 1750, t by not leaving a will only accounted for one third of their possessions, which had to cope with all class costs of the funeral of her husband and take care of my five young children who remained in their care , could not even afford a headstone or a cross to the tomb of Bach, but the coffin remains responsible for death of one of the best musicians in Europe was of oak.
practically ran out of resources and was forced to sell two scores her husband of 40 thalers.

This is the story of a great woman, how to say, always behind a great man, who ended his days living on alms, with the aggravating circumstance that her husband's older children were economically and socially very well placed and never deigned to help.

On the other hand, there is evidence that these same children who had inherited his father's numerous scores of the so sold without any regard, while Anna Magdalena, kept, which were in his possession, with true devotion despite the hardships that came under

In his death certificate states that:
" poor woman of 59 years, Anna Magdalena, born in Wilkin, widow of JS Bach , Cantor of St. Thomas School in the Haynstrasse, 8 "

Is this one of the great injustices of this world?
That John Sebastian Bach was a genius and will always be gifted by God for music, is beyond doubt , but what could have been delivered to development of his vocation as he did without this great woman?

Please forgive because I do not know how to leave this post, I can not reread it begins to mourn Paula

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How U Contract Herpes


This is the "Ten Commandments" written by Lenin in 1913. Any resemblance to ZP and his "tactic" is not mere coincidence.

In 1913 Lenin wrote the "Ten Commandments" for the revolutionary communist takeover.

tested the striking resemblance to what happens in our country right now.

Here is what Lenin advocated and promoted tirelessly:
1. Corrupting the youth and give sexual freedom.

2. Infiltrate and then control all media mass communication

3. Divide the population into antagonistic groups, prompting discussions about social issues.

4. Destroy the people's trust in their leaders.

5. Always talk about democracy and rule of law, but as soon as the opportunity arises, take the power without any qualms (as did the Popular Front, led by Largo Caballero's PSOE, in the "elections" fraudulent 1936)

6. Collaborate with the depletion of public funds; discredit the image of the country, especially overseas and cause panic and unrest among the population through inflation.

7. Promote strikes, although they are illegal in the country's vital industries.

8. Promote disturbances and contribute to the legal authorities do not crack down.

9. Contribute to destroy moral values, honesty and belief in the promises of the rulers.

10. Record to all those who possess firearms to be confiscated at the right time, making it impossible for any resistance to the cause.

favorite phrase of Lenin, "The Proletariat Dictadurta: - " Democracy is a scourge of the bourgeoisie "

Lenin began the horrendous "PURGE", but died before they reached appalling levels which was the "little father! Stalin. resulted in more than SIXTY MILLION KILLED, MOSTLY, RUSSIAN, or compatriots.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nike Pants Rn# 56323 Ca# 05553

Solution to Kant's text commentary (lín. 285-296)

This is one possible answer:

"Königsberg professor presents in this passage, summarizes the conclusions obtained after his criticism or analysis of pure speculative reason.

notes, first, that space and time are only a priori forms of empirical intuition and pure concepts or categories, only provide knowledge as they enter summary with sensible intuitions. It then argues that no one can know the thing itself, which Kant called noumenon, but only the thing in me, "as an object of empirical intuition" or phenomenon. This portion of the text is descriptive and in it the author does not stop to justify their claims, and believes that based on " analytical part of the criticism. "

From the above premises, the Prussian philosopher draws two conclusions in a deductive manner. The first is that theoretical knowledge of reason is always contained within the limits of experience. And second, that the noumenon can be thought of, but not known, because the thing itself is precisely the consideration of objects located beyond the experience. "


As can be seen, has not explained the relationship between the ideas of the text in a specific paragraph dedicated to it, but have explained the main ideas and, simultaneously, the relationship between them. It is advised that, as far as possible, students try to make the comment in this way.

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is true that some news would be better to ignore them, as the protagonists of them all you want is to jump to the media so morbid, and have no other merits to be considered famous. In the circumstances now mean I can not silence me, I've tried and flu helped me at first, but now, "hindsight" I have to talk because I was hurt very directly.

met the bad news, like the others, by the news, but also did not take our friend Bruce to let me arrive by mail. I really appreciate it because it was as the impetus to touch this issue.

Bruce Mail:
About 70 thugs break into the temple of Somosaguas
With topless in the Complutense University Chapel: Several girls
stripped from the waist up amid applause and cheers from the group

The walls and gates of the compound appeared full of graffiti with more insults to the Catholic religion
Bad taste and depravity have been installed at the Universidad Complutense. This March 10, 2011, around one afternoon, a large group of boys and girls entered the campus chapel Somosaguas and after reading aloud his criticism of the Catholic Church and insulting the clergy, several girls, around the altar, stripped to the waist to the applause and cheers from the rest of the hooligans.
One student, the other, which, at such times, praying in the church, says that two of the thugs, and without clothes, " flaunted their homosexual tendency l '. Write
Mary ABC Serrano Isabel that religious leaders of this temple university they intend to file a complaint at the police station Pozuelo de Alarcón, municipality for this campus of the University Complutense (UCM).
this chapel attacks are not new. Earlier this week, the walls and gates of the compound appeared full of graffiti with more insults to the Catholic religion.

I can not consider it a simple prank, it's much of a coincidence that these acts of vandalism are happening lately in our universities, and not long ago in Barcelona where the only solution taken by the Rector of it was to close the chapel to thank God, was reopened, as if the attacks on banks or other entities will be solved by closing everything in place to prosecute and punish perpetrators.
To me the University was and should be a selected place, the temple of knowledge and not a platform where maxificada quisqui points to all that he has nothing to do for lack of work or entertainment. I'm not against that university studies are available to everyone, but if I object, though this serves no purpose, to abuses center is much less attempt to deny, to those who wish to practice according to the faith they profess.
Yes, the devil, which exists within and outside a man with a real existence, going to college.

ignorance It uses many of the cold of those who are obliged to implement its authority, Presidents and Deans, these attacks on the freedom to profess and practice a religion that pleases every student and above all, the devil is in those hidden forces that by all means try to make the Catholic religion disappears public life and take refuge in the sacristy.
someone you imagine these blasphemous occurrences within one of the many mosques in place in Spain?

These things hurt me so special because, in contrast, bring me the wonderful memories of my college days where I was perfectly happy, despite the reservations that had the prejudices of that education time we had instilled. I understand the need to adapt to the times, but I can not fail to miss the atmosphere of respect, camaraderie and friendship I found in those classrooms university courses during 1957/60, when we were about nine or ten girls who were studying economics among myriads of men.
never had better friends in my life, second only to the ones I have now in this new world of knowledge blogger.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Polyethylene Foam Sheet Omaha

man proposes ...

Man proposes and the woman does not, only God has that capability itself.
is true that planned to leave the blog a few days to rest because she was tired and dispirited, but now the rest is that I had been imposed by horse flu, how he picked up years there. Pure contagion of a loving husband who cast her in three days out of it with a few sneezes, because he always shot it, but I can not do it on prescription.

Am I trill is it a punishment from the heavens? As you may have guessed, what hurts me most is not being able to continue my work Vicálvaro contemplative.

Maybe if some kind soul prays for me on Monday I will have already moved on to another, I sincerely believe that not going to be and I must resign myself to the provisions of God.

As proof of my affection I'm going to reveal a secret:
reliably estimated on 23 February this year of grace 2011, was another major coup that the press has been kept secret to avoid creating alarm. Here
irrefutable proof: