1. be submitted by hand and a maximum of two pages on both sides.
2. Be delivered at the end of each topic. Indicate a deadline to deliver each item.
3. It's about doing good schemes for use in the preparation of examinations to be carried out: pre-tests, quarterly, final and selectivity. For this reason, avoid last-minute improvisations and devote sufficient time to perform this task.
4. Schemes can be tailored in many different ways. Scripts can be used, keys, boxes, or any other system that is useful to organize and relate ideas. What matters is that they are clear and complete, but not "development" of the item.
5. For completeness, they include all the paragraphs or sections that have worked in class.
6. When in doubt about this task, it is best to ask as soon as possible to resolve it. It can be done directly, in class, or via email.