not given the importance that was due to the power of small acts ill, small inconsistencies, have in the formation of character. In the Word of God revealed to us the greatest and high principles. We are taken to strengthen all efforts for good, to manage and balance the mind, to induce us to aspire to achieving a high standard.
In the story of Joseph, Daniel and his companions, we see the golden chain of truth can link youth to the throne of God. They could be tempted to depart from its integrity. They appreciated the favor of God above please and praise of princes, and God loved them and took him under his coat.
signally honored the Lord before men by his faithful integrity, his determination to honor God above all human power. Were honored by the Lord God Almighty, whose power extends over all the works of his hands up in heaven and on earth beneath. These young people were not ashamed to display their true flag. Even in the king's court, in their words, their habits, their practices, confessed his faith in the Lord God of heaven. They refused to bow to any earthly mandate detrajera the honor of God. Had the force of heaven to confess their allegiance to God.
You should be prepared to follow the example of these noble young. Do not ever be ashamed of your flag, take them and desplegadla to the gaze of men and angels. Do not let yourselves be dominated by a false modesty, false prudence which I suggest a course of action contrary to this advice. By choosing your words, and a consistent, for your correction, your fervent piety, make an effective profession of your faith, determined that Christ is enthroned in the temple of the soul, and put your talents without reservation to his feet, to be used in their service.