Monday, November 16, 2009

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Balanced by biblical principle, can ascend to the height you want. We are glad to see them raise up noble that God has determined to achieve. Jesus loves the beautiful youth, and does not like to see it grow and develop talents uncultivated. Young people can become strong men of firm principles, trained to high responsibilities entrusted to them, and may lawfully devote full force for this purpose.

But never commit crime so great as to pervert, to do evil and destroy others, the powers that God has given them. There are talented men, who use their ability to spread corruption and moral decay, but all of them are planting a seed that will produce a crop that will be proud to collect.

is a terrible thing to use the abilities God has given to spread damage and misery in society, rather than blessing. It is also terrible thing wrapped in a handkerchief the talent entrusted to us and hide in the world, as this is to despise the crown of life.

God demands our service. There are responsibilities for each, and only we can fulfill the great mission of life when we fully accept these responsibilities and we play faithfully and conscientiously.


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The fear of the Lord is the foundation of all true greatness. Integrity, integrity Firmware is the principle that you need in all relationships of life. Take with you your religion at school, the boarding house where you live, all your jobs.

The important question for you now is, how to choose and develop your studies so that you keep the strength and purity of Christian character undefiled, putting all the interests and time constraints in subjection to the higher demands of the Gospel of Christ .

must now build according to what you can then furnish, interact with society and life in a way that serves the purpose that God had created.

As disciples de Cristo, no se os priva de emprender ocupaciones temporales, pero deberíais llevar vuestra religión con vosotros. Cualquiera sea la empresa para la cual os preparéis, no abriguéis la idea de que no tendréis éxito en ella sin sacrificar los principios.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Plaque Wording Examples

La justicia exterior da testimonio de la justicia interior. El que es justo por dentro, no muestra corazón duro ni falta de simpatía, sino que día tras día crece a la imagen de Cristo y progresa de fuerza en fuerza. Aquel a quien la verdad santifica, tendrá dominio de sí mismo y seguirá en las pisadas de Cristo hasta que la gracia dé lugar a la gloria. La justicia por la cual somos justified is imputed the righteousness by which we are sanctified is imparted. The first is our title to heaven, the second is our fitness for heaven. ELENA G.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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The experience of those who worked for God in previous generations, has lessons to learn those of us in this time. Know how little conflict, and manufactured evidence that supported these men as they were equipped to deal with the armies of Satan. Wearing full armor of God, were able to cope with the wiles of Satan.

These men were given last time God and the aggrandizement of his case were so strong on principles such as steel. Men were not decayed or discouraged, men like Daniel, were full of reverence and zeal for God, filled with noble aims and aspirations. They were so weak and helpless as any of those who today are engaged in the work, but put all their trust in God. They had wealth, but it was the culture of the mind and soul. And anyone can have it to give God the first, last and best place in all things.

Although we are short of wisdom, knowledge, virtue and power, we can get all this if we learn from the lessons that Christ is our privilege learn.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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not given the importance that was due to the power of small acts ill, small inconsistencies, have in the formation of character. In the Word of God revealed to us the greatest and high principles. We are taken to strengthen all efforts for good, to manage and balance the mind, to induce us to aspire to achieving a high standard.

In the story of Joseph, Daniel and his companions, we see the golden chain of truth can link youth to the throne of God. They could be tempted to depart from its integrity. They appreciated the favor of God above please and praise of princes, and God loved them and took him under his coat.

signally honored the Lord before men by his faithful integrity, his determination to honor God above all human power. Were honored by the Lord God Almighty, whose power extends over all the works of his hands up in heaven and on earth beneath. These young people were not ashamed to display their true flag. Even in the king's court, in their words, their habits, their practices, confessed his faith in the Lord God of heaven. They refused to bow to any earthly mandate detrajera the honor of God. Had the force of heaven to confess their allegiance to God.

You should be prepared to follow the example of these noble young. Do not ever be ashamed of your flag, take them and desplegadla to the gaze of men and angels. Do not let yourselves be dominated by a false modesty, false prudence which I suggest a course of action contrary to this advice. By choosing your words, and a consistent, for your correction, your fervent piety, make an effective profession of your faith, determined that Christ is enthroned in the temple of the soul, and put your talents without reservation to his feet, to be used in their service.